Torrente, el brazo tonto de la ley

I've got friends
I play pool and

go to gym with. Tomorrow
there's a roleplay game.

I can ask them.
Are they like you?
What do you mean?
- Rafi!
- Look who I brought.

Hi boys!
I'm Torrente. Rafi told
me you're tough cookies.

Malaguita, watch it!
This is Torrente.

- The dude with the machine gun?
- Fuck me!

What's up?
Don't you know who I am?
Yeah. A pile of shit.
Respect! I'm armed.
Let's go outside.
I need you to help Rafi and me.
Why should we follow a fat pig
like you?

Toneti! I'll crack you one!
He can't walk in like that.
No manners. Dirty prick.
- "Lightbulb", respect!
- Boys!

You're annoying me.
Watch it. I can turn.

Hey, sonny.
You p-p-pushed me.
- So?
- Nothing.

Just take care, please.
If you don't mind.
You're dead,
you fuckhead.
Take that!
There! All on my own.
What's up, Michelin Man?
Don't you know who I am?
You're Policarpo Diaz,
The best boxer in Europe.
Fifty eight KO's.
You'll be world champ, too.
Torrente says so.
