[Jack snorts]
I gather you don't want
Catherine to know about this.
You gather right.
"There's nothing that
concentrates the m ind...
""like the prospect of death.""
Sam uel Johnson.
I'll do the math,
if you don't m ind.
It's official.
I'm no longer in rem ission.
I'm trying to count here.
Doctors are suggesting something
they call aggressive therapy.
I have, uh,
respectfully declined.
My wife is very angry with me
at the moment.
She says I'm taking
the coward's way out.
I have a year,
1 0 months maxim um.
You OK about this?
No, as a matter of fact.
HARRY: Hanging.
HARRY: The prospect of hanging
concentrates the m ind.
You don't think you're
the only guy in America...
that watches Jeopardy, do you?