Isn't that right, Captain?
Sure thing, Lieutenant.
-OK, what's going on?
-Nothing's going on.
We worked together, remem ber?
We were partners,
among other things.
-Harry, cut it out.
-My ass.
Nobody thinks
you killed Lester lvar.
Never stopped you guys
from ream ing my ass before.
We cut you some slack this time.
HARRY: A little slack?
I let my goddam n license
expire a year ago.
All right. Everybody knows
what happened in Mexico.
I took a bullet.
Oh, Harry, please.
EGAN: Lieutenant,
can I have a word with you?
VERNA: Be right there.
I'm really sorry
about everything...
just know
I'll always be there for you.
RAYMOND: You may not know this,
but when I was still a cop...
HARRY: Hey, hotshot.
RAYMOND: I had one am bition--
to get into Verna's knickers.
Failing was one of a series of
professional disappointments...
that drove me
into the private sector.
People told me
you were more fortunate.
You m ust be confused, Raymond.
RAYMOND: Oh, Lord,
I do hate a modest man.
Care for a drink?
I could use a cup of coffee.
If we have to.
Jack Ames send you
to look after me?
The cops called the Ames house
to verify your address.
Jack wanted me to make sure
they hadn't electrocuted you.
I appreciate his confidence.
Want some m ilk or sugar?
No, not for me.
You want some thinner?
No, thanks.
Back when I was working security
at the studio...