HARRY: You knew Lester lvar.
You were at his apartment
this afternoon.
Find what you were looking for?
What are you talking about?
What's that perfume you wear?
The reason I ask--it was still
in the air when I got there.
Harry, a lot of women
wear Bal รก Versailles.
Smells different on them.
CATHERlNE: I've noticed
how fam iliar you've become...
with everything in this house.
You know what I think?
I think you're right.
What a guy. I piss you off...
and you're out in the time
it takes to pack one bag.
My husband would need vans,
a whole army of movers...
and it'd still take him
two weeks.
CATHERlNE: Got a light?
The thing is, we're broke.
HARRY: No. I'm broke.
You and Jack are overextended.
I'll explain the difference
sometime so you'll understand.
The thing is, we're broke,
and my husband's dying.
And I thought that I could
gut it out, you know?
Kind of hold everything
together the way...