after your friend,
Mr. Jack Ames...
had me arrested
for transporting a m inor.
You wanna learn to kick ass,
no better place than Yuma.
Is this gonna take all night?
OK. Come on.
I need you to wake up, pally.
I want you to tell Mr. Ames...
that this...
is just a down payment
on what he owes me.
Can you remem ber that, pally?
Hm m?
Hm m?
Are you finished?
JEFF: Yes, I'm finished.
GLORlA: Did we or did we not
make a plan?
What is the point
of making a plan...
if you're just gonna
say ""Fuck it""?
JEFF: Why are you
always so negative?
Oh, shit.
Hey, chief, wake up!
Hey, wake up, man.
You can't stay here.
The tide is com ing in.
Harry. Harry, it's me,
your old partner.
Somebody beat the shit
out of you.
It's lucky I came along.
Otherwise, you would've drowned.
But I saved your life.
Don't worry.
You can thank me later.
REUBEN: I'm sitting in the limo
at the Santa Monica pier--
I'm on the job.
Rich kid, sweet-1 6 party--
and who do I see
but my old partner Harry Ross.
HARRY: We are not partners.
We were never partners.
I'm telling you
how I saved your life.
It's not nice to interrupt.
Where was l? Oh, yeah.
So I'm waiting.
I see you go to the beach.
I figure
you're gonna need backup.
I'm cool. I pick my spot.
You what?