Under solen

Where's he gone?
Who is she?
She'll be cleaning
and washing and stuff...

After spending the night
in Edith's room?

How long is she staying?
You know what the place looks like
I've done nothing
since Mother died.

How long is she staying?
I don't know.
It's up to her
how long she's here for.

I see....
So I won't be having the room?
you said you didn't want it.
That was then!
I can always change my mind.
Where are you going?
I'm talking to you!
Now I can't change my mind!
Erik, I've got to have someone
here that I can trust.

What the hell do you mean?
You can trust me!
But you're not very good
at cleaning.

Where did you find her?
I put an ad in the paper.
''Lonely farmer. 39 years old.''
I was here for your 40th birthday!
Not only are you stupid,
you're vain too!

''Seeks young woman
as housekeeper.''

Do you have to be young to clean?
''Photograph required.'' Why?
To see if she looked reliable.
I only had two replies.
What did the other one look like?
She didn't send a photograph.
I'll be preparing for dinner.
Is Mr. Jonsson eating with us?
No, thank you.
I'm not hungry, Miss...

What was your name again?
Miss Lind.
Good bye.
