Lonely farmer.
Forty years old.
Virgin or not, he's still aman.
I guess
you'd see that straight away.
What about me? 20 kronor...
Virgin or not?
I'm not a gambler...
But believe it or not,
I'm not a virgin.
What a surprise!
But are you a man?
We're not talking about me here.
I don't know who you are,
or where you come from.
But as long as you're here...
Treat him gently.
What do you mean?
I'm off to win some money
in the sack race.
good luck!
''As for man,
his days are as grass''
''As a flower of the field,
so he flourisheth.''
For the wind passe the over it,
and it is gone...
and the place thereof
shall know it no more.