Under solen

They belonged to my parents.
I thought as much.
I last sat here like this...
when Mother died.
She... was in pain.
I held her hand throughout.
We both knew
she didn't have long left.

She asked me to take off her ring.
It was this ring.
Then she put it in my hand
and closed it.

She said:
When your father died''

''he gave me his heart, and now...''
''now I'm giving you mine.''
She asked me
what the sky was like.

So I went up to the window
and looked out.

There wasn't a single cloud.
''That's good,'' she said.
''I'll have no problem
finding him.''

Then she asked me the time.
''Four o'clock,'' I told her.
''don't you forget to wind up
the clock every night at nine.''

''Four turns and a bit,
mind you don't overwind it.''
