Urban Legend

Today, we get more specific.
A baby-sitter receives
menacing phone calls.

And upon investigating them...
she realizes that
they are originating...

from an upstairs bedroom...
the very room...
where she's left the children
under her care...

to sleep.
Now, who's heard this before?
Well, that really happened
to a girl in my hometown.

Oh, yes.
l'm sure it did.

l'm sure most of you...
grew up thinking
this did happen to girls...

in all your hometowns...
but it didn't.
You see, the baby-sitter...
and the man upstairs...
is what we call an urban legend.
Contemporary folklore...
passed on as a true story.
There are variations
of this one...

going back to the 1960s...
all of them containing
the same cultural admonition:

Young women, mind your children...
or harm will come your way.
Excuse me?
Something funny
you might care to share with us...

No, l was just saying, like...
maybe the cultural admonition is:
Don't baby-sit.

Why don't you come up here.-.
and volunteer
for my little experiment, hmm?

Yeah, that's a great idea.
Now, young lady!
- Coming.
- Yeah, baby.

Don't worry.
You'll probably survive.
