Urban Legend

The decapitated body
of 20-year-old...

Pendleton student Michelle Mancini...
was found in her car.
Police suspect her assailant
was probably hiding in the back seat.

ln the meantime the search continues
for Michael McDonald...

the proprietor of this gas station
where she was last seen.

Police are asking anyone with
any information on his whereabouts...

to contact them immediately.
This is David McAree
reporting live.

That's horrible.
Someone told me that she was listening
to my show when it happened.

My voice was probably
the last thing she heard.

- Can you imagine?
- What if there is a lunatic on campus?

That's fine with me. l'm hitting the
half pipe at Kellington this weekend.

Did anyone here know her?
She roomed in Daley.
- No.
- No.

Space cadet.
Oh, no, l didn't know her.
Actually, you know,
l did know her.

- You did?
- Yeah.

l'll miss her, too, 'cause...
that girl gave great head.
You get it?
She gave great head.

- Come on !
- That was good.

Hey, Tash.
- Sorry about last night.
- Yeah?

Well, don't let it happen again.
Here. You dropped these.
Excuse me?
This is my phone line too.
