..but I guess there is time fora cosy break with Ella Fitzgerald.
Don't Fence Me ln.
Sorry l'm late.
We just sent 2.000blankets to Albania today.
What the hell for?
- There's a civil war. Carl.- Exactly.
lt's really cool being armedwith a blanket!
They might be a bit cold. you know.
l'll have another.One for Peter too.
Let's try that new Mexican beer?You know...
l refuse to drink Mexican beer.
What do you mean by that?
l'm not fucking drinkingMexican beer.
Dos Equhs for you?
Dos Ephss?
lmpossible to pronounce.
You're racist.
- You know that?- Are you kidding?
No. you're a racist.You're afraid of anything different.
- lt's just a beer.- lt's more than that.
That's how it starts. that's racism.
Relax. Peter.
l prefer Carlsberg too.
You're a damn racist too.You just go along with everyone.
Silence is consent.
You should throw outhalf the people in here.
and tell them:''l won't have that in here''.
We're not racists.
Willy here just votedfor the socialists.
l forgot to vote.
Such an idealist.
- Shit. l forgot! What time is it?- Twenty to eight.
- You won't make it. Sit down.- There'll be others.
l have to vote!