Very Bad Things

and have disgusting sex
with prostitutes,

and then they
go ahead, and they
just say their vows.

they say their vows
with the stench

of cheap hotel whore
sex all over them.

that's absurd.
listen to yourself.

it's vile, kyle.
it's not vile.

i've seen it
on television.
i'm not going to--

what do you mean
it's not vile?!

i'm not going
to marry you

with the cheap smell
of hotel whore sex--

I am not to be
common, kyle, ok?

I am a creature
like no other.

I know that.
I am a creature
like no other.

and I will not--i
willnot be common.

do you understand me?
I got you.

is that
too much to ask, kyle?
is it too much to ask?

you won't be common!
honey, take it.
are we going to eat,
or am I just going to--

do you love me?
of course i--
I love you.

of course I love you.
how much?
I love you
with all my heart.

kiss me.
look, it's just

I don't know.
she's just really
been stressing.

it's insecurity,

what does that mean?
it means
she's insecure.

about what?
mike berkow.
just a second.
all right, big man.

14.3. thank you.

at 9.
look at him.
i'm amazed
that the windows

don't blow out of their
fucking sockets

with all
the ass-puckering rage

in these
soulless lizards.

you know, I just--
I just want her to be happy.

same alarm clock
every morning,

same two pops on
the same snooze button.

same shower,
towel, toothbrush,
razor, blazer,

hair pump, gel spray.
it's a fucking epi--

the beatrice accounts.
it's an epidemic,

you're getting
married, baby bub.

i'm not going
to candy coat it.
it just gets worse.

it's an 18-wheel
cement truck

that's going
to crush every bone
in your big body.

well, i'm not breathing
right lately, either.

course you're not.
i--i just start getting,
like, lightheaded and dizzy,

and then the next
thing I know, I realize

I haven't breathed in,
like--in two minutes.
that's because--

hey, hey, hey--
we're leaving from
my house in 3 hours, ok?

if you want to come,
you better get your
numbers in order by then.

all right,
first of all--

no "first of all."
i'm not in a game mood, ok?

we were having
a conversation, ok?

you never said
"excuse me."

i'm sorry.
fisher, i'm sorry.

that's all right.
we'll be there, adam.

I know you'll be ready.
michael--3 hours.

ok. all right.
