timmy, adam junior,
take a good look at this
and notice how clean-cut
and well-behaved
they all appear,
respectable members
of modern society.
that's us.
ok, boys...smile.
smile, dad.
smile, smile...
we're smiling!
and all right.
as you were!
I love you.
I love you.
have a really,
really good time.
i'll be back tomorrow.
hey, hey, hey--
no, no, don't let
anybody smoke in the car
because adam junior
gets sick, ok?
ok, i'm--
did you hear that,
boyd? no smoking.
i'll drive.
come on.
not on your life.
boyd, do you
promise on camera
that you won't smoke?
uh...i won't smoke.
good. thank you.
i'm coming, honey!
bye, dad.
don't smoke!
we won't smoke.
bye! bye!
all right...
dog needs
a flea bath.
let's go.
oh, what if
I bring the wrong thing?
what if I bring
cucumber soup?
who cares!
you're a fucking moron!
shut up!
it's my
fucking opinion.
it's a stupid
fucking opinion, ok?
oh, thank you.
you have developed
this incredibly annoying
habit of talking just...
for the pleasure of
hearing yourself speak.
listen, he--boyd
brought up statistics--
hey, hey, hey!
leave me out of this.
the hell I did.
the hell you didn't.
you said--
the hell I did--
you said one out of
every two marriages
ends in divorce.
you said it.
I didn't--
you're an asshole,
you're an asshole.
oh, why am i
an asshole?
multiple reasons.
give me one.
name one reason.
give me one reason.
i'm not going
to give you--
you can't give me
a reason.
I don't have to--
give me one reason.
give it to me.
shut up!
I want one reason.
shut up
for one second.
give me a reason.
I want a reason.
shut up!
shut up!
you're just
an asshole.
live with it.
is this culver
party rentals?