I let them know, man.
I mean, I really--
I really let them know
that they are just--
just as important.
they mean just as much.
you know
what i'm saying?
mm-hmm. yes.
just as much, man.
yes, yes.
and you're
their godfather.
I know,
and i'm honored.
no, no, no,
no, no.
no? i'm not.
no, no, you're
the godfather,
but i'm saying--
what i'm saying is,
if anything
ever happens to me--
oh, brother,
don't even--yeah.
don't worry about it.
the point here, ok?
that is what
i'm driving for.
because, man,
when the big storm comes
and all the forests
are knocked down
and all the rocks
have fallen away
and--and the leaves
are bare,
what's left?
what is left?
the little trees.
the little fellas
that the storm didn't see.
the tiny, little fellas.
that's where it's--
the stripper's here.
this...is tina.
hey, boys.