I fucked up.
oh, my god!
jesus christ!
don't touch her!
don't touch her!
call 9-1-1!
don't move.
we were playing.
we were playing.
I think she's dead.
how do you
know she's dead?
she's got no
fucking pulse!
listen, you don't
know what the hell
you're doing.
just get back.
all right,
where do you look?
what side of the neck?
left, left,
left side.
either side,
you idiot!
i'm calling 9-1-1.
we were playing,
and she bumped her head.
bumped?! bumped?!
she's got
a fucking spike
in her head!
adam, wait!
what are you doing?
what do you think
you're doing?
i'm calling
the ambulance!
just wait one--
wait one second. ok?
michael? michael?
i'll take it out.
I can take it out.
what the fuck
have you done?!
why are you calling
an ambulance? she's dead.
i'm sorry. sorry.
oh, god, just call
the police.
just call 9-1-1.
I slipped.
what did you do,
goddamn it?
what the fuck did you do,
you little shit?!
get out of here!
all right, all right,
just calm down.
it was
an accident!
everybody just
get a hold of themselves,
all right?
you are a lying deviant!
it was an accident!
are you sure--
yes, i'm sure!
what were you doing?
the floor was wet,
and so I slipped.
why was
the floor wet?!
I don't know.
why, goddamn it?!
why, you little
fucking pervert?!
come on, damn it,
take it easy.
you don't
fucking know!
calm down.
we're not helping
anything by losing
our temper.
let's just get
our heads together. ok?
whatever we associate
in our nervous system
determines our behavior.
you fucking guys.
you fucking guys.
you fucking guys.
you fucking guys!
now let's just
take a second here,
and take a hold
of the situation
and review our options.
we call the police!
ok, call the police,
that's good.
that's one option.