I owe you, bro.
I owe you, man.
nobody knows
she's here.
oh, god...
oh, god.
how do we get her
out of here?
we can wrap her up
in blankets,
bring the car
around to the back
of the hotel,
lower her gently down
off the balcony,
put her in the car.
we're done.
jesus christ,
have you done this before?
the reality is,
you take away the horror
of the situation,
take away the tragedy
of the death,
take away the moral
and ethical implications
of all the crap
that you've had
conditioned and beaten
into your head
since grade one,
what are we left with?
a 105-pound problem.
105 pounds that's
got to be moved from
point "a" to point "b."
now, a straight line is
the shortest distance
between two points,
but we're denied
the luxury of a visible
straight line,
but that line exists,
and I see it.
I see that line.
trust me.
adam, trust me.
hotel security.
could you please
open the door?
oh, fuck.
hotel security.
what do they want?
oh, fuck.
they know.
calm down.
goddamn it, they know!