wait a minute.
wait a minute.
wait, wait, wait, wait.
we can't do this.
we've already
done this.
no, no, I mean
the suitcases.
we can't
bury them like this
in the suitcases.
why not?
because it's sacrilegious.
how do you figure?
according to jewish law,
the blood and the limbs
are considered to be
a sacred part of
the human spirit.
the body has to be united,
or the soul can't
rest in peace.
what the hell?
that's what
we're doing.
no, no, it's not.
we got their parts
all mixed together.
we can't do this
to them.
she's asian.
they don't have jews
in asia.
that is absolutely
not true.
michael, do they
have jews in asia?
they have--
yes, they do.
they have jews in asia.
he is correct.
what the fuck are
we supposed to do?
we're going to have to
open up the suitcases.
we're going to
unpack the bodies
and reunite
the appropriate limbs.
no fucking way!
that's what
we're going to do!
no fucking way!
we have to do this,
goddamn it!
adam, we got
to get going.
the sun's coming up.
come on!
I am not flexible
on this.
let's do it.
i've got her head.
this is her head.
I got a combo situation.
do you have
any of him?
I have--that's her.
watch your step,
all right.
hey! hey!
i've got a mop.