all right.
allow me to be
the first to say
that what we have done here
is not a good thing.
it's clearly not
a good thing,
but it was, given
the circumstances,
the smart play.
i'm proud of us.
I am proud of each
and every one of us.
it's going
to be ok.
we performed
under the most complex
and nerve-shattering
of situations.
I mean, each one
of us stood fast,
and we all delivered.
I feel proud.
we're going to hell...
hell or prison,
whichever comes first.
that's wrong.
that is flat-out
wrong, adam.
you got to change
your associations.
hell is for cowards,
for hypocrites,
for people who fear
to live by the strength
of their own conviction.
now, this is war!
given the circumstances
and given the fact
that we are alive
and they are not,
we've all chosen
life over death.
I mean, two wrongs
don't make a right,
so our conviction
and execution
would only mean
more death here,
not less.
I don't know, boyd.
just seems to me
ever since you started
this personal growth,
self-help, power
fucking dysfunctional
fucking bullshit,
you are all fucked up
in the head!
don't even go there.
you don't know
what the hell you're
talking about, all right?
personal strength has
nothing to do with this.
true, it's helped me
to unlock energies and see
my options more clearly,
but to give it credit
for all of this
is a little bit more
than they deserve.