Very Bad Things

no, no, honey.
honey, go in there and
get them some whizzers.

they're screaming
for whizzers.

just go in there
and get some whizzers.

i'm not going in there.
they are screaming
like monsters.
it's giving me a headache.

I used the credit card
so I don't have
to go in there!

go get them
some fucking whizzers!

whizzers! whizzers!

whizzers! whizzers!
thank you. go.
please. whizzers.

we want whizzers!
love you!
fucking whizzers!
excuse me.

yeah. sure.
no--no problem.

aah! oh! aah!
ooh! aah! jeez!
i'm sorry.
i--i got it.

I got it. sorry!
i'm sorry.

just leave it.
leave it
and get out.

i'm--i'm sorry.
buddy, you ok?
what the hell
is wrong with you?

just get out!
dad's got the whizzers!
dad's got the whizzers!

dad's got the whizzers!
dad's got the whizzers!

here he comes!
where are the whizzers?
they didn't have
any whizzers.

what do you mean,
they don't have
any whizzers?

they didn't have any
fucking whizzers, ok?!

what are you doing?!
what is your problem?!
what isyour
goddamn problem?

oh, oh...
nice to see you.
oh, my god!

you look so beautiful!
I love that dress.

oh, my god...
have you seen amanda?
oh, my god, come here.

she's wearing the same
exact dress she wore
to heidi's wedding.

i'm losing it, fish.
hey, now--
how's it going?

nice to see you.
nice to see you.

I got a migraine like
a fucking monkey kicking
in the side of my--

I get you, I get you.
hi. hi, cynthia.
nice to see you.

hi, mr. and mrs. wilshire.
