yeah. he, uh...
he didn't realize.
I guess he just lost
control of the car.
was there some sort
of argument?
no, nothing like that.
we heard there was
some arguing going on.
what, some kind of
sibling muscle-flex thing?
no, no, no.
they love each other.
just, uh...we were
all just outside,
just talking.
we were just talking.
what were you
talking about?
uh, the wedding...
yeah, how it's probably
going to be the last time
for all of us
to be together...
to see each other...
before he gets married.
married. i'm
getting married.
a lot of people seem
to think there was
some hostility.
how the fuck am i
supposed to comment
on what a lot of other
people thought, huh?
I mean, listen,
we've all suffered
an incredible trauma
and we're in full-on
grieving mode right now,
and your questions
are just a little bit
poorly timed.
do you understand?
thank you very much,
officer randone.
easy, boyd.
no "easy boyd."
don't give me that shit.
I got a friend in there
in pieces, for god's sakes.
how about a little
sensitivity, huh?
there was no fighting
going on or nothing.
unh, unh, unh!
what was
that guy's name?
robert boyd.
unh, unh, unh!
excuse me...
his situation
is critical.
he's, uh...asking
to speak to his wife.
it's bad. I just want
to warn you of what
you're going to see...
he's in defib.
gonna have to step away, ma'am.
10 of lidocaine.
more blood here.
more blood.
charge 300. clear.