If it's a woman, I'll chat her up
and we'll be off before you knew it!
I'm bursting with news!
I think I know who's won.
That's mighty, for I've an idea I know myself.
- (Jackie) Annie, what's the noise?
- It's Michael. And he knows the winner.
Well, come on, I want to hear it up here, so!
Jesus, Jackie, do you think you're the Pope?
Shouting for the whole village to hear!
Well, come on. Out with it.
- It's Mrs Kennedy.
- Oh, now, I've got someone else.
- Well, speak up, man.
- Pig Finn.
Would you look at that! There's 49 possible
winners, and we're down to two already.
We're in the bath!
Jackie, it's Finn. Are you up for a pint?
I need your advice.
- (whispers) He's after advice on his money.
- Say you will.
Aye, Finn, I'm up for a pint.
I'm just out of me bath.
I'll see you at Fitzgerald's...
...in ten minutes.
I'd noticed a terrible stink on him lately.
- Evening, Jackie. Michael.
- Boys.
Dennis, have you seen Pig Finn?
His glass is there and himself is in the toilet.
- Two pints, and one for my old friend Finn.
- Oh, and his favourite Mexican crisps...
..as well, Dennis.
You must be needing an operation on your
nose, Jackie. Have you smelt the pig lately?
I have. It's not half as bad
as the smell of your aftershave.
Well, this aftershave
is a knockout with the girls.
And tell me, Pat... which particular girls
are you knocking out at the moment?
Well, hello, Mrs Kennedy! Don't be afraid,
it's only myself. I've been baking.