Waking Ned

She wanted someone
who could get close enough...

..to give her what she wants.
Tullymore. Tullymore.
Where is it?
So, what are you going to
spend your half on, Jackie?

Ah, we agreed half, did we, Michael?
No, I just sort of assumed it.
Oh, you assumed it, did you?
Who's that?
- Hello there!
- Hello.

I think I'm lost.
Do you know where Tullymore is?

You're not far off, mister.
Back up the lane, left at the end,
and it's a long road that has no turning.

- Are you from the village yourself?
- I am. All my life!

Would you know a Ned Devine?
- Ned Devine?
- Ned Devine.

Do you know him?
I do.
I do. Is it Ned you're wanting?
- It is, yeah.
- Well, I can take you to Ned Devine's house.

That'd be very good of you.
Why don't you jump in the car?

Oh, sweet Jesus!
Oh, I'm sorry.
Excuse me, it's hay fever.
I get it every time I come down to the country.
