[Man] Chris?
[Man] Do you know
what's happened?
[Chris] I had a bad piece
of fish before bed.
Who are you? A doc?
Are you operating on me?
[Monitors beep]
Who are you?
Why can't I see you?
[Beeping increases]
[Dog barks]
Ginger, you see me?
[Man] She does.
Dogs are different.
Can you see me now?
Why are you so blurred?
I'll get clearer. Confused
how you got home so fast?
[Chris] Dreams don't deal
in time. Time doesn't count.
You've died, Chris.
Doc, if I were dead,
would I need you to tell me?
I guess you do.
Everyone's different.
I wish everybody would go home.
[Chris] Why do I see everyone?
Everybody but...
[Doc] You don't wanna see me.
You don't wanna be dead.
The kids were so young.
[Doc] You want to
remember your kids.