[Laughs] What do you think?
I'm a little under-dressed.
You look fine.
Till now you've been painting
your world. This is mine.
In our city across the river
we have to have a common vision.
So, there's work.
I like that.
Albert is sort of a missionary.
- He saves lost souls.
- Like me.
Hardly. They are the ones
who can't get here.
You mean, from hell?.
In a way.
It's not what you think.
My work is with animals.
Katie is an old friend.
'Dearest Christy.
'I don't know how
this day unravelled.
'I was proud of how I held
together through this afternoon.
'But, coming home,
I began to lose it.
'If I had walked out that night,
'you wouldn't have been
in the tunnel.
'A whole family lost
in car crashes.
'Enough to make a person
buy a bike.'
[Chris] Where are they going?
- To help others be reborn.
- Really? Reincarnation?
Albert says to cheer you up.
- You have difficulty...
- ..losing my wife, yeah.