What Dreams May Come

For finding Marie.
- Is she OK?
- She's fine.

You'll see her soon.
She sends her love.
Especially now.

We'll go through
something very hard right now.

I'm with you. You're not alone.
Annie is dead.
She killed herself.
It's nothing I ever expected.
Like I said, you don't know us.
Is that an occupational hazard
of soulmates?

One's not much
without the other?

But she's OK.
Because her pain is over.
- You don't understand.
- She won't cling like me.

- When do I see her?
- Never.

You'll never see her.
Suicides go somewhere else.

- Why are you punishing her?
- It's not punishment.

- She's suffered enough.
- There are no judges or crimes.

Everybody's equal.
That's the way things work!

And suicides go to hell?.
No goddamn judgment in that!
You wanna fight?
You can hide from it
or understand it.

"Hell" is for those
who don't know they're dead.

They can't realise what
they've done or what's happened.

- Too self-absorbed that they...
- Self-absorbed?!

That doesn't apply
to Annie, all right?

No, it doesn't.
Suicides are different.
