and don't you forget it!
All right! I could detinitely
party on one ot those.
It's a stinkpot, Jimmy.
You wanna be a real boatman,
you wanna get yourself one ot those.
That's a real boat.
Thank you for getting me
into this class.
No way my old man was
gonna spring tor the fees.
Hey, you're working for it, and
you're learning your way around a boat.
I put myselt through college
working on boats.
- Beats flippin' burgers.
- Yeah.
Can I play too,
or is it just tor boys?
So, who's washing your Jeep
this weekend, Mr. Lombardo?
The senior car wash,
Washing that old Jeep ot mine
is a waste of time.
Not at all.
Nicole and I will do it as a team.
I tell you what.
I'm going out to the Glades Saturday.
Come over Sunday
and you can wash all the mud oft.
I was counting on my mom tor a ride,
but she's not here.
Surprise, surprise.
I was wondering
if you could give me one.
Mr. Lombardo, you really wouldn't
want me to walk, would you?
I mean,
something bad might happen.
Jimbo, you need a litt?
Yeah, but I got my bike.
Hey, no problem.
Okay, try it.
Suzie, you need a litt?