- Art, this is a hell ot a tish.
- It's a barracuda.
It you weren't so busy
chasing booty at the yacht club...
you'd have caught one
tor yourselt.
You're not gonna eat this thing.
Why not?
It's poisonous.
It'll kill you.
Shit, man, I could say that
about most ot the girls you date.
Sandra Van Ryan tor Sam.
- Sandra, what's up?
- Kelly skipped school today, Sam.
Have you heard anything?
Not a word.
Never mind.
I tound her.
Pull !
Listen, Sam...
it was really good seeing you
the other day.
Sandra, I'm real busy
right now, so--
I haven't tound anyone who can
handle my boat the way you can.
- Yeah, well--
- I know you're fucking Barbara Baxter.
So what?
So, maybe I'm a one-woman man now.
Oh, poor Sam.
You really think you're gonna get one
of these Blue Bay women to marry you?
- Are you tinished, Sandra?
- Grab a clue, honey.
You're a hired hand, a good lay.
That's as tar as it goes.
Enjoy it, while it lasts.
Good-bye, Sandra.
Pull !
You seem to tind guns
Maybe I oughta try it.
So, let me guess.
Some boy didn't call
and screwed up your whole weekend.
So you're taking the day otf.
Which one of your deck hands
is that?
Whichever one I want.