Wild Things

He raped me on the tloor
of his shitty house.

Thank you.
It's day two
of the Lombardo rape case...

and the second alleged young victim
of the former guidance counselor...

has taken the stand.
Yesterday, Kelly Van Ryan delivered
an emotional account of events...

and was not swayed by
defense counsel's cross-examination.

We'll come back live later this morning
with an update of these proceedings.

Reporting live
from the courthouse steps...

I'm Nancy Duerr,
Eyewitness News.

Good morning, everybody.
Miss Toller.
When you were...
picked up for shoplitting
your treshman year at Blue Bay...

and you were allowed
to make one call...

you called Mr. Lombardo.
Isn't that correct?
Miss Toller?
When you were expelled trom Blue Bay
tor destruction ot school property--

I broke a tucking window.
It wasn't even my tault.

Miss Toller, you will wait until
you are asked betore responding...

and you will retrain trom
using profanity in this court.

Mr. Lombardo appeared with you
in lieu ot a parent conference.

Is that right?
It seems to me...
that Mr. Lombardo
was your friend.
