He was.
But all that changed when...
according to your testimony...
Mr. Lombardo...
raped you...
on April 23 ot last year,
- Yes.
- But then in May...
when you were arrested
tor possession ot narcotics...
and again allowed a phone call...
you called Mr. Lombardo.
So what?
"So what?"
Oops, Suzie.
So, one month atter you say
this man raped you...
you go to him for help?
Sounds as it you still considered
Mr. Lombardo a pretty good triend.
- I needed help.
- I'm sure you did.
But Mr. Lombardo
wasn't there this time.
It was summer,
he was gone...
and you spent six months
in a state correctional tacility.
Did that make you mad, Suzie...
that Sam was gone?
That he wasn't there?
Is that the reason you're saying these
things about Mr. Lombardo, your friend?
I said them
because they happened.
Are you gonna sit there,
under oath...
and swear that Samuel Lombardo
raped you?
I said he did.
Let me ask you a question.
Did you enjoy
being a guest ot the state?
'Cause I can promise you
if you are lying about Sam Lombardo...
and I believe you are...
you'll be visiting
that tacility again quite soon.
Which is why I'll ask again...
under oath...