Wild Things

See you at the club.
See you at the club.
See you at the club, Tommy!
Hey, Tom.
What'd you shoot today, pal?

Hey, my man!
This is tor you.
- You did good, Ken.
- Thanks.

I know there's a part ot you
that wishes none ot this had happened...

but it did, so take the money
and enjoy yourselt.

All right?
Find a happy place.

Lenore, would you see
Mr. Lombardo out, please?

- Good-bye, Sam.
- Bye, Lenore.

Take care ot my lizards, huh?
Hello, Kelly.
Drop dead.
You know how my mom's paying you otf?
She's breaking my trust.

I can't touch it until she's dead,
and now she's breaking it to pay you.

I'm sorry, Kelly.
Why don't you start tucking her again !
You can spend it together!

I tucking hate you,
you son ot a bitch!

I tucking hate you!
You see, Art? I couldn't come back
even it I wanted to.
