- Will they?
- I don't know.
That bothers you?
I want to go outside.
- When did he give you this ride?
- About a year ago.
- Was anyone else at your trailer?
- Nope.
- So you were alone?
- Yeah.
- Did he come in with you?
- I guess.
- Did he or didn't he?
- Okay. Yeah, he did.
Then what? Did he touch you?
Did you flirt with him?
Suzie, I know you feel bad.
Just tell us the truth.
I didn't say a thing to him.
He put his arm around me
and told me I was pretty.
- I could be really pretty, he said.
- Did you ask him to stop?
Shit! What difference does it make?
No one will believe me anyway.
- Did Sam Lombardo rape you?
- He did. He pushed me to the floor.
- Now, are we done?
- Almost, Suzie, almost.
Could you fight him off?
No. He stopped by himself.
Is that it?
Leave me alone.
- Don't touch me!
- All right, take it easy.
He stopped. And that was it?
He just left?
- Yeah. He did say one thing first.
- What was that?
He said, "No little bitch
can ever make me come."