Mr. Harrison...
...here you go.
[ Lambchop ]
Ryan ! Ryan ! Ryan ! Ryan !
Ryan ! Ryan ! Ryan !
[ Applause ]
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Nice talking with you.
Cass Lake.
No, Ryan Harrison.
You're mixing me up with some woman.
I'd love to have you
sit for me some time.
Are you a dog trainer?
No, portraits.
I've seen every one of your concerts.
Your music moved me.
Nothing like a good movement.
- [ Crunch ]
- Oh, Allah!
Oh, my balls!
Muslim prayers.
That must be east.
Well, excuse me.
- [ Crunch ]
- My hand!
Hibbing Goodhue.
Maestro Harrison, welcome.
Thank you for inviting me.
I need to talk to you.
Cass, I have guests.
It's been a privilege
sponsoring your concerts.
I'm eternally grateful to my husband for
bringing you into my life, Mr. Harrison.
I think this deserves a kiss,
don't you?
I've never missed one of your concerts.
Hibbing, however,
wasn't at Friday's.
It was a high colonic.
Yes, a Jewish holiday.
Mazel tov.
I'll just round us up some drinks.
How dare you?
How could you ignore my note?
All I want is for you to reconsider.
Hibbing, please.
- Ryan.
- Oh, stuff and nonsense!
Go dash a mineral water in your face
and buck up!
You deserve a real man's drink.