Where the hell were you?!
You made a mess of things.
At least you did your job.
Goodhue knew too much.
He had to die.
As for this sorry sod, you've given
the authorities Hibbing's murderer.
I expect we'll move forward
with no further interference...
...with Operation Hylander,
the killing of the U.N.'s McKintyre.
[ Radio Dispatcher ]
We have a code 3, 43rd and Jefferson.
- [ Dispatcher Continues ]
- [ Crowd Chattering ]
Say "cheese."
Who's that?
Where'd he come from?
He's got a gun!
Get the gun!
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say may be
held against you.
One nation, indivisible,
till death do us part.
- Van Atter!
- Yeah?
Take this blood sample to the lab.
And don't go walking around
with it all day.
Up yours!
Get him in the car. All right,
people, get him in the car.