Give us room.
Stand back, people.
Give him a little air, people.
I want you people back.
Hold them back, hold them back.
I'm innocent.
I'm being wrongfully accused.
Guilt or innocence,
that's not my job.
It's my duty to pick up
scum-sucking punks like yourself...
...who are accused of a crime.
A jury of twelve really stupid people...
...who are easily swayed by rich,
fat-cat, slimy lawyers...
...who'll do anything but tell the
truth, will sit in judgement of you.
It's as American as a burrito.
Ryan and I were having sex.
Hot, steamy, sweaty sex.
Every part of my body tingled,
orgasm after orgasm--
Lady, I just asked for your name.
Mrs. Hibbing Goodhue.
I was weak to Ryan's charms.
He wanted me to leave Hibbing.
He said he just wanted to talk to him.
I can't believe he killed him.
I came home...
...late last night...
...and there he was.
Now I'm going to have to start...
...dating again.
[ Reporters Shouting ]
Mr. Harrison! Mr. Harrison!
Okay, everybody, come on.
Let the car through. Stand back.
[ Screaming ]
[ Gavel Pounding ]
[ Judge ] Ryan Harrison,
a jury of your peers...
...have found you guilty of murder.
On August 12,
at Stillwater Federal Prison...
...you shall have your sentence
carried out.
You shall be executed buffet style,
lethally injected, electrocuted...
...and placed before a firing squad.
May God have mercy on your soul,
you bastard, you.