Orono! Bagley!
This looks like a trailer park
after a tornado.
All right, speak to me, people.
One prisoner was missing.
-It's a Ryan--
The man who killed Hibbing Goodhue.
This has more twists and turns
than Chubby Checker in a blender.
So we got us a murderer on the loose!
All right,
listen up, people!
Our man will be on foot
and running.
A man that's tired,
a man that's possibly hurt...
...will have a stride of 4 feet,
2 and 3/4 inches...
...while wearing boxer shorts.
Four feet even,
with the restrictions of a brief.
Which means he will cover
four miles in one hour.
He's got an hour and 3/4 start on us.
He'll take to the nearest highway.
He'll commandeer a car
or hop on a truck.
Now, the average elevation in this area
is 2,057 feet...
...2 and 1/4 inches,
with one exception.
He will take any chances,
do anything to stay a free man.
Climb, hike...
Hell, even fall down a damn mountain.
It's a wilderness out there...
...so this citified sophisticate
better watch himself.
He's in the heart of bear country.
This fiddle player will be hungry...
...famished, starved.
His last meal was twelve hours ago.
This boy's on the run.
He'll head for the city,
a large city.
He'll try to lose himself in a crowd.
And wherever he goes, he will feel
hundreds of eyes staring his way.
No matter what he does,
no matter where he goes...
...he will feel hunted.
And my friends...
...you are looking at the hunter!
I want roadblocks
around a 10-mile radius.
Set up communications
with all law enforcement.
That's state, county, city!
Get me Governor Carlson.
I may need the National Guard.
Diet Coke, no ice.
All right, people.
I want Harrison caught...
...in 4 hours and 28 minutes.
That will make it exactly high noon.
Now let's move it!
Move it! Move it! Move it!
Move it, people! Move it!