There's got to be something here...
...some clue, somewhere.
- Ryan.
- What are you doing here?
- How did you get in?
- The door was open.
I locked that door.
A key.
Lauren is missing. She gave you a key,
sent you to do evidence housecleaning.
No, I painted Hibbing's portrait.
He gave me this key to let myself in.
I have no idea where Lauren is.
The killer could be stalking her.
Stalking, schmalking. She lied
about me on the witness stand.
She set me up to come here
the night of the murder.
She couldn't do anything like that.
Coulda, woulda, shoulda.
She dida!
I understand her.
You see, I think she's my sister.
It's like a brother,
only you do each other's hair.