Sean Laughrea.
Hibbing's killer.
Yes. Thank you.
Harrison! Open up!
We know you're in there!
It's the police!
Don't go in there!
- What are you doing?
- Harrison!
Ryan, open up!
I've got a gun!
Come on!
Let me in! Right now!
Come out!
Is that my toilet? Ryan!
Open up!
You'll never get away, Ryan!
- Ryan!
- Whoa!
Starting to give!
[ Coughing ]
All right, my angels...
-Patio clear!
-Ivy needs water!
Den is clear!
I got spaghetti!
Watch it!
Plate could be hot!
I got a shut door!
We throw a shoe
every time we start to gallop.
That man's as slick as a lizard
in Jerry Lewis' hair.
Cass Lake,
face of an angel.
Harrison's accomplice.
A caterpillar has 2,087
minute hairs on each leg.