Zero Effect

How does he do it?
He has a deeply nuanced and functional
understanding of human behavior...

:05:05 rival the great psychoanalytical
minds of our time.

He understands the criminal mind
as well as the innocent mind...

...the stable mind as well as the
psychotic, sociopathic mind...

...the male as well as the female.
I don't think he's ever...
...kissed a girl.
He's thirty-something years old.
What does he do when he's not working?
Does he just sit around the house?
When private investigation
won its most worthy champion...

...academia and the arts
suffered a loss, a great loss.

In addition to his many scholarly gifts,
he's a terrifically talented musician.

He writes songs.
He's terrible.
His metaphors are thin,
his imagery is cliched...

...and his thematic material is trite
and heavy-handed.

Why do you do it?
I left the firm, didn't know
what I was going to do...

...and I get this message on my machine.
He'd watched me argue a case in court...
...said I was the only person for the job.
I don't know. The guy's nuts, okay?

What's his name?
The mysterious...
...and brilliant Daryl Zero.
Certainly does take himself
seriously, doesn't he?

All right, Mr. Arlo.
I'm sold.
What happens now?
You tell me how my employer
can be of service...

...then I fly home and speak to him.
Where is home?
Not to be coy,
but I can't tell you that.

Of course not.
You know, I'm not used
to being in this position.

Being needy.
I understand.
You know, it's of the
utmost importance...
