Zero Effect

It's not without serious
reservation that I begin...

... the seemingly impossible task...
... of documenting my own methods.
It always seemed that...
... someone else should do it.
Unfortunately, my faithful
legal representative...

... has shown no interest whatsoever.
And so I am forced
to take on the task myself...

... with no intention...
... of glorifying or aggrandizing
or immortalizing my own memory...

... but rather in the hope...
... that such a memoir might someday...
... be useful to others.
I begin my examination...
... of the method.
I always say my work
relies fundamentally...

... on two basic principles:
Objectivity and observation.
Or the 2 Obs, as I call them.
My work relies on my ability
to remain absolutely...

... purely...
... objective.
I have mastered...
... the fine art...
... of detachment.
And while it comes at some cost...
... this supreme objectivity is what
makes me...

... I dare say, the greatest observer
the world has ever known.

Observing a subject,
particularly a client...

... in his or her own element
is usually very telling.

Behavior is always more revealing
than language...

... if you know what to look for.
No rain. Would you believe it?
