- Ralph, what do you know about this?
- Nothing.
I just feel like we're
always doing the same thing,
and all the girls are doing
something different now.
So, I just think
maybe I should frost it.
You ever feel trapped
by your life, Rhoda?
Oh, sure.
I mean, I'm stuck with it.
You know, I wonder how
I would look as a redhead.
Why are you
stuck with it?
What- What should I do, Pearl?
Become an astronaut?
You don't have kids,
and you still got a lot of freedom.
Yeah, I'm free to sit around and
watch everybody else with their kids.
You know, I swear, every
single time I go to Poppy's,
and I have a pickle while I'm waiting for
my ice cream, Neil asks me if I'm pregnant.
I say to him, "When are you gonna
get it through your thick skull?
I love pickles. You put a free bowl
in front of me, I eat them."
- You gonna try again?
- I don't know.
Then Neil and I wouldn't be able to
take our annual trips to the Riviera.
Sometimes I try
to picture my life...
if I hadn't had
Alison so young.
Maybe my life wouldn't be
that different. I don't know.
Sometimes I just wish
I was a whole other person.
Attention, campers.
Please report to the casino for
a meeting with Dr. Fogler after lunch.
All campers are to report
directly to the casino after lunch.
- You ready for lunch, cowboy?
- Yep.
- Where'd you get that?
- What?
- That licorice.
- The Blouse Man.
Honey, what'd I tell you
about taking candy from strangers?
He's not a stranger.
He's the Blouse Man.
- Is he a friend of the family?
- You should have been more specific.