A Walk on the Moon

How's that fit?
My husband's gonna hate it.
Are you kiddin' me?
He's gonna love you in it.

Look how sexy you look.
Check it out.
Back up a little.

See? I mean,
it fits really well.

Keep it a couple of days, you know?
You don't like it, you give it back.

If you do, pay me later.
Or don't. I mean, you're doing me
a favor just wearing it.

All right.
Wait a second.
Come here.

You don't want to go
around with that thing.

- Okay?
- Yep. There you go.

- Really looks good. I'm not kidding.
- Thank you.

When do you come
back here anyway?

I mean, what's your schedule,
if I wanted to return it?

My schedule? I don't have a-
I don't have a schedule.

But, uh, I'll tell you what.
I'll give you my number.
I live right in town.
And, uh, call me
anytime you want.

- Pinkies.
It's tie-dyed.
- Stop it.
How can you not love it here? Look at
this. An army barracks with lawn furniture.
