That's all right.
- Okay, pretty lady.
There's a posse on my tail,
so I ain't got much time.
- Reach for the sky.
- Shh. Come here. You're gonna hurt yourself.
I know. They're loaded.
I'll put them down.
Is that different enough?
- Drive safe.
- I will.
I'll see ya. Hold this for me.
- See ya, cowboy.
- Bye, Daddy.
- Good-bye.
- Here, darling. Take your jacket.
- Thank you.
- Drive safe. Don't speed.
Sh- Oh!
- Hey, hop in. I'll give you a ride.
- What?
Get in, and
I'll give you a ride.
- No, thank you. I'm fine.
I'm going your way.
Come on!
Well, if you're sure
it's no trouble.
It's no trouble. Get out of the rain,
for Christ's sake. Come on.
- Here. Here's a towel.
- Thank you.
- All right?
- Yeah.