I'm not sure
what that means.
It means that there are certain things that no
matter what you do that they're meant to happen.
They're in the stars.
They're bashert, destined.
But even if
they're in the stars,
a person, a grown-up
responsible person, a mensch,
can make a different choice.
They can make
the right choice.
You're shtupping someone.
The Blouse Man.
I am not.
You're shtupping the goddamn Blouse Man,
Pearl. How could you do such a thing?
Are you gonna tell Marty?
So it's true.
I'm right.
I'm always right.
It's- It's a curse.
Why, Pearly?
Have you forgotten
who you married?
When your husband was 12 years old, you
know what he dreamed of being? A scientist.
So he entered
the school science fair...
in the hopes of
winning a microscope.
Such a doorbell he made,
I don't even want to tell you about it.
It not only rang, it lit up.
It chopped liver.
It made matzo balls.
First prize.
He was so proud, Pearl.
And when that son-of-a-bitch
husband of mine ran out on us,
you know what my boy did?