American Beauty

So, Janie, how was school?
It was okay.
Just okay?
No, Dad.
It was spectacular.

Well, you want to know
how things went in my job today?

They've hired
this efficiency expert,

this really friendly guy
named Brad--

How perfect is that?
And he's basically there
to make it seem they're justified...

in firing somebody,
because they couldn't just come
out and say that, could they?

No, no. That would just be too honest.
So they've asked us--

[ Chuckling ] You couldn't
possibly care less, could you?

What do you expect?
You can't all of a sudden be my best
friend just because you had a bad day.

I mean, hello, you've barely even
spoken to me for months.

Oh, what?
You're "Mother of the Year"?

- [ Muttering ]
You treat her like an employee.
- What?

[ Shouts ]

I'm going
to get some ice cream.

I'm sorry I haven't
been more available.

I'm just-- I--
You know, you don't always
have to wait for me to come to you.

Oh, great.
So now it's my fault?

I didn't say that.
It's nobody's fault. It--

Janie, what happened?
We used to be pals.

[ Inaudible ]
