......[Radio.: Rock]
I'm so sorry
my dad was weird tonight.
That's okay.
I'm used to guys
drooling over me.
It started
when I was about 12.
I'd go to dinner
with my parents.
Every Thursday night: Red Lobster.
[ Chuckles ]
Every guy there would stare at me
when I walked in.
And I knew
what they were thinking,
just like I knew guys at school thought
about me when they jerked off.
- Vomit.
- No. I liked it.
I still like it. If people I don't even
know look at me and want to fuck me,
it means I really have a shot
at being a model.
Which is great,
because there's nothing worse in life
than being ordinary.
I really think
it'll happen for you.
I know.
Because everything that was meant
to happen, does... eventually.