You know what'd be really cool
is a cup of coffee.
- Okay, I'll make some.
- Just so I can get out of this bed.
You know how many phone calls
there are sitting there?
- Oh, yeah.
- A lot.
I'll put on the coffee.
I'd like to sleep here all day,
but I can't.
I gotta type up sheets and have them
copied for the meeting tonight.
Man, I gotta get
some information across.
There's no excuses.
No one has ever paid admission
to see an excuse.
No one has ever faced
a black screen that says:
"If we had these set of circumstances,
we would've shot this scene...
so please forgive us
and use your imagination."
I've been to the movies hundreds
of times. That's never occurred.
You know, it's like you're
the lone man on this--
the lone captain
on this big-ass ocean liner...
and it's like, "I need people
to cook the food, to run the motors.
I need people to make sure that we don't
go into the rocks and so forth."
Oh, my God.
And at about 12:30...
the realization seriously hit me--
no way.
I have absolutely no fucking money.
I have no hope of getting any money
until Coven is finished.
Aesthetically, I'm not ready.
The script is not ready.
The casting hasn't even begun.
The locations are scant at best.
Are you crazy?
That's 11 days away from now.
My first impression of him was...
he looks like a pretty raw dog.
He's pretty tall and crazy looking.
I liked it.
He showed a lot of promise
as far as schooling.
That is, as testing was concerned.
Not that he was that great a student...