- What about those films influenced you?
- Oh, it's simple.
Dawn of the Dead seemed more
realistic than Hollywood films.
There was gray skies
and dead trees...
and the National Guard out there.
It was just something
I didn't see in other films.
It was just great. The dialogue
was different. There was blood.
Night of the Living Dead--
It was in black-and-white.
Dead trees and gray skies.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre was like one
of those 16-millimeter accident films...
they'd show you in school--
the grain of it
and the saturated color of it.
I'd be having nightmares.
I mean, that was really
like being alive...
and watching something instead of
something dead like a Hollywood film.
- What was the last movie he took you to?
- Apocalypse Now.
Did you like it?
And he kept on saying,
"The horror."
- Who said that?
- The guy on Apocalypse Now.
I like it here.
I'm pretty sure
my mom and dad live here.
I guess they keep an address here,
even though my dad's not around much.
My mom-- Swedish girl,
a little excitable.
My mother and my father,
they just don't mix very well.
The home environment
wasn't what--
Had I had a say
in what it should be...
it would've been
somewhat different in that--
Well, no, it's getting
in the personal.
There always was conflict. You never
knew what was going to happen.
Sometimes it would be scary,
and I think how he dealt with it...
was completely withdrawing
from the family.
Two tens and two dollars.
So I'll either win ten
or a dollar if I win.
- No, I didn't win anything.
- Life is hard.