American Movie

I could see great cinema in this.
- Cinnamons?
- Cinema.

Dude, I see great cinema.
That's good.
That's something good, anyhow.
But I don't know what it is.
Yeah. You know--
You spend your whole life
surrounded by people...

"We're gonna do this,
and we're gonna do that."

What do you think?
What do you fucking really think, huh?

- What do you really think?
- About what?

For years, I've been trying to face up
to who I am and shit like that.

But I can't. I don't know why, man.
It's like I know where I wanna be
and what I wanna do, so I don't know.

I wanna come out of all of this stuff.
He wants to be somewhere
where he's not.

But then, don't most people want to be
somewhere where they're not?

Hey, man, you ripped that one song off,
I hate to tell you, from Black Sabbath.

I didn't.
I wrote all the words.

Yeah, but, dude, I'm saying
there's an unconscious influence.

Yeah, but all your ideas
come from somewhere else, Mark.

You can't make up an idea
by yourself.

- No, dude.
- It's gotta come from somewhere.

Yeah, but--
Have you listened to the tune?

- That's an exact copy.
- No, it's not though.

- You changed one word.
- I changed all-- I used one word.

I used the word "insane,"
and that's it.

- What's that?
- The Ghost of Christmas Past.
