American Pie

- There's-- There's this nature
show that I'm trying to watch. - [ Man On TV ] Take it off.

- And the birds are
all scrambled and I can't even-- - [ Woman On TV ] Do me ! Yes !

- [ Jimmy Groans ]
- Baby ! Ride me like a pony !

- The thing must be broken or I
sat on the remote or something. - [ Moans Continue ]

- Getting ready for bed, son ?
- Yup, I'm all set, Dad. I'm all set.

- Yeah ?
- No ! No, I think he's tried to watch some illegal channels.

- Illegal-- Illegal channels ?
- This is just bad reception, honey.

-[ Man On TV ] Oh, spank my hairy ass !
-What's that ?

- Ooh, baby !
- You know what ? Here. Just give me this, please--

- Oh, my God !
- And let's get this-- Ohh !

Okay, okay. Let's, uh-- What the hell's
the matter with this thing ?

[ Woman On TV ] Yes !
[ Woman On TV ] Yes !
[ Boy ] Illegal channels ?
Shit !

If there's any channel that
should be illegal, it's that "all-woman's" channel.

- Lifetime supply
of pantyhose or some shit. - Yeah.

Hey, uh, did you see The Little Mermaid
on TV the other night ?

- No.
- Ariel, man. She's so hot !

- Yeah, Oz. But not when she's on land.
- She's a mermaid, dude.

[ Boy ] Come on, Vicky, it's Stifler's
party. We got to go. It'll be great.

[ Vicky ] Why ? All that
happens at Stifler's parties is people get drunk and do it.

[ Vicky ] Now, come on, Kevin.
Open it.

It's a big, thick envelope, Vicky.
You got in.

If you think so,
just open it.

- Fine.
- ** [ Rock ]

"Dear Miss Latham: We're sorry but
after keeping you on the waiting list...

for the past couple of months, we've
decided that you are now rejected."

- Shut up !
- [ Both Giggling ]

- You got in.
- [ Squeals ] Yes ! I love you !

- -**-** [ Continuing ]
- [ Chuckling ] Okay.

Hey, you think I should wear
this shirt to Stifler's party ?
