[ Scoffs ] You've worn that shirt for,
like, three days in a row, man !
She said it.
- Said what ? [ Chuckles ]
- She said she loves me.
- Holy shit, dude ! The "L" word ?
- Oh, man !
Cornell's not
that far from "U" of "M."
Yeah, it's only,
like, seven hours.
Oh, and you get
to drive across Canada.
- Beautiful country.
- Whatever. It's doable.
Wh-What we should
do today, in band.
Instead of playing
our instruments regularly, we should play them backwards.
- That'll be so funny !
- Yeah.
-**-** [ Noodling ]
No offense, but you're talking
about a post-high school, long-distance relationship.
And you and Kevin
haven't even done it yet.
That's not why
we're going out.
What do you expect him to drive
to Cornell for ? Milk and cookies ?
We're gonna have sex
when he's ready and I'm ready.
It's got to be
completely perfect.
I want the right time, the right moment,
the right place--
Vicky, it's not
a space shuttle launch. It's sex.
- Finch.
- Here's the man we are looking for.
- Gentlemen.
- What's goin' on, buddy ?
- Gentlemen.
- What's goin' on, buddy ?
- Same ol'--
- [ Sighs ] Finch. You got the Latin homework ?
[ Speaks Latin, Chuckles ]
It means, "My dog ate it."
It's Latin. It's a joke.
- It's a Latin joke.
- Yeah, Latin. Just drink your coffee.
- No, Jim, it's mochaccino.
- What ?
What I'm drinking, it's mochaccino.
It's not coffee.
[ Boy ] 'Nova !
- [ Both Grunting ]
- What's up, dude ?
You comin' to the party
tonight, Ozzie, you fuckface ?
Uh, depends if my date
wants to stop by.
- I'm workin' on somethin' new.
- I got an idea about something new.
How about you guys
actually locate your dicks,
remove the shrink-wrap
and fucking use them !
Dude, it's gonna happen.
She's a college chick.
[ Scoffs ] Oh, right.
I'll see you guys tonight.
I'll look for you in the no-fucking
section. [ Mocking Laugh ]
[ Self-Deprecating Chuckle ]
[ Self-Deprecating Chuckle ]
All right. I'm shooting for a
9:00 E.T.A. Beer in hand by five after.